Thursday, December 27, 2012

Yes, I am a Fool in Christ ! or Am I Wise in World?

I am called a fool. An odd man(woman) out. I am with high ground intellectuals. I am questioned for matters I do not know.

I am a fool!

I am surrounded by rationalists. Figures and stats make sense. Projections and forecasts reap them rewards. I am seen ignorant

I am a fool!

I am asked to explain the magnificance of his majesty's works. Mainly his flaws. I am ridiculed. Thats fine.

I am a fool!

I am with this world. The world who would mock behind my back. Would use his love in my heart. Would use up the trust. I am told its all my mistake

I am a fool!

When the dark clouds loom. They curse the weather. While I thank him for the rain and for the following sunshine. I am called insensible

I am a fool!

In the time of incertitude, Google and webMD becomes more reliant. I flip thru the pages of his word for Promises. I speak hope in his trust. I am snobbishly told...

I am a fool!

Breaking the rules, crossing the lines and testing the limits are fashion and style.I am told I dont have it. Obedience is the start of wisdom says the word and I try hard to keep it. I am an outcast now coz

I am a fool!

Strategy and tactics cant show my future. Psalm and Prayers reveals eternal hope. Again, I am reminded

I am a fool!

I cant describe the greatness of his love, his works or his mercies. But I am fool enough to understand HE is Alpha and Omega. If there is a wisdom that can take that away. Then, So be it

I am a fool!

Dear GOD,
If there is any wisdom that can separate your love from me, my relationship with you, your mercies for me. I declare now I DO NOT want that. You are my Dad and I am your child. I love you forever.
In Jesus

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