Monday, September 16, 2013


They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the  cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.  Then the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?"  - Genesis  3:8,9
Last night before going to bed, My son was reading the Bible Comic. He showed the picture of the LORD, calling out Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He asked me "Do you know why GOD is calling out and asking where are you?" Intrigued to know what he has to say I asked him "Why?" He replied "Because he wants them to come before GOD and tell the truth." I asked him how he knows this. He replied in a heartbeat "Remember GOD is powerful, HE knows EVERYTHING. He already know what they have done"
I know that LORD speak to us thru various mediums.  Last night, I learnt a lesson for life on Prayer of Confession, repentance and forgiveness. We all have sinned.
1.       We might still have sins in our life that is yet to be confessed.
2.       Sins of very small order, a simple lie to an envy to own something you saw in the mall or at your friend's place.
3.       But before we come before the LORD, it is important to bring that out to HIS eyes and ask for HIS forgiveness.
Imagine a friend who has wronged behind your back against you and you know the complete details of it. Later, He comes to you and asks for you a favor. What you would do? Being in Christ, you would still love him and would probably do what he needs. But what is your state of mind. Will you able to take the friend's fake smiles and praises? No. In fact, it is more hurting to watch your friend's funny activities of affirmation than what he has done behind the back.
Please know that every time, we cover our sins. We make HIM groan in pain.
·         GOD created us in his own image (Genesis 1:26. 27)
·         HE inculcated the same feelings HE has in him in us. (Genesis 1:26. 27, Hebrews 5:8,12:6, John 11:35, Galatians 5:22)
·         HE sent his ONLY SON  to give render forgiveness and to show us that we can lead a sinless life on earth with him as a role model.(Hebrews 1:3, Romans 8:14-39, Luke 23:47, 2 Cor 5:21)
So Dear Friends, we should stop playing the hide and seek game with the LORD. HE is calling us Where are you?  Every day Let us come out clean before him and ask for his forgiveness, grace and mercy. Great LORD will recognize our obedience and cloth us with HIS honor and glory! Praise the mighty name of Christ Jesus!

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